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Somewhere North of Here

There’s an unprecedented pride in being from the North. But sometimes that pride becomes dangerous. In the early hours of the 24th June 2016, the world changed. With the result of the UK’s EU referendum, many people began to reconsider their feelings towards where they are from. Somewhere North of Here looks at the cycles of political behaviour throughout history, how a Northerner once ran North and is now noticing others running behind her. It tracks a history that keeps repeating itself, asking why, when the world around us takes a dramatic turn, do we always run North?


Since 2011, Gemma has been choreographing to words, rather than music. Somewhere North of Here uses interviews and news broadcasts as a soundtrack. Gemma has used blindfolded improvisations that allow for full concentration on the words. The piece is performed to a configuration of seats, inspired by the compass. The audience arrange themselves based on how far north they were born. Gemma interacts with “northerners” and “southerners”, playing out experiences of moving across borders.


Somewhere North of Here has been performed as a standalone performance, (GENERATOR Projects, Dundee, The Space, Dundee - March 2017) but also as part of double bill The Past is a Foreign Country, and is available for touring in either format (Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee - August 2017). 


Somewhere North of Here Concept Trailer


Created on the streets of Montrose, a town in North East Scotland, the concept trailer for Somewhere North of Here offers a taste of what to expect in the performance. 


This video is available for use at venues wishing to promote the performance. Please contact the company for more details. 


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